Get Involved

Get Involved: Share your time and your home

Approximately 50,000 blood and marrow transplants are performed worldwide each year to treat children and adults with over 70 illnesses. With the help of friends like you, we can continue to provide financial aid, education and support services to patients who will undergo this lifesaving treatment. The Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation relies 100% on private donations. We receive no government support.
Your gifts beyond financial support to the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation are important ways to assist us in meeting the needs of critically ill transplant patients and their families.

Open Homes Medical Stays

We’re teaming up with Airbnb’s Open Homes Medical Stays to help provide urgent accommodations for cancer patients traveling for medical care. Learn more about how you can provide free, temporary housing and open your heart and open your home.

Click here for more information


Post-transplant patients mentor newly treated patients on SupportLine.

Click here for more information

Click here if you would like us to keep you informed about ways you can join us in fulfilling the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation’s mission.