
Reaching out to a Community of Support

JMC Bone Marrow Transplant Unit

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First I want to acknowledge the Creator of all the heavens and the earth. Acknowledge Him in everything you do! He seamlessly orchestrated the best facilities, doctors, and nursing staff for this journey. From a cornerstone of faith and a place of gratitude, I have an amazing team of family, friends, and prayer warriors who advance from victory and positivity. A championship team filled with integrity and power. 

Today is day +10 here at the beautifully constructed Jacob’s Medical Center at UC San Diego Health in La Jolla, CA. Since my last blog I’ve had two more rounds of chemo, 2 cycles in March and 1 cycle in May. A PET scan confirmed in June that I was ready for a PICC line and 5 days of bone marrow chemo (the hard stuff). I was admitted to JMC bone marrow transplant Friday June 22, 2023 in room 607.

We prayed for “angel cells” and they arrived to the room cryofrozen in a large secure locked container nicknamed “R2-D2.” When they opened the container, the cool fog slowly lifted and spread out all around. There were two nurses working together, one nurse reached down into the unknown thick cold fog and pulled up the “fragile liquid gold.” They carefully opened the cassette and inside were the tiny stem cells in a smaller IV bag. The nurses placed them in a warm bath and infused two cassettes. What a production to watch and experience. I am so thankful for the young European donor’s courage and willingness to share of herself. I have four children who witnessed with amazement, the act of kindness and what can transpire over and beyond what we could ever imagine. What a life changing event she has made and we are internally thankful. I will take great care of these stems cells and continue to spread the act of overflowing kindness which has started a ripple affect to help this world. 

The latest change of events during my stay here are on day +4, I spiked a temp after more chemo on day +3 and day +4. On day +9, I needed platelets. So far no pain, just a churning stomach. They have anti-nausea medication to keep it at bay. I have an abundance of thankfulness. Glory!! 

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