
Reaching out to a Community of Support

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Journal Post Test 4

by Johnny White

asdf sdaf sda sda fsda fa sd fdsa dfas... [READ MORE]

Journal Post Test 3

by Johnny White

sdfgasdf asd sda sdad as fasd fsda... [READ MORE]

Journal Post Test 2

by Johnny White

asd fasd asd sda fsda fas fasasdfasdf... [READ MORE]

Journal Post Test 1

by Johnny White

asd asd fasd sda asdf sadf asd asdfasd fasdf sdaf asdfsdaf ... [READ MORE]

Update 2020

by Johnny White

Hi All,   John is doing so well. He has finished treatment and we are just going once a week for clinic. His immune system is still compromised so he cannot go in public places and therefore I appreciate everyone's help so much. John is starting being tutored and started to enjoy... [READ MORE]

Chemo Update

by Johnny White

John had another round of Chemo yesterday. He is feeling a little sick but he got to see his other sibligs last night which made him so happy. ... [READ MORE]


by Johnny White

I took my son for his first round of chemo. His spirits are up which I am happy to see. I know I have a long road ahead. I am grateful for the doctors and nurses that have been so supportive to work with at MSK ... [READ MORE]