
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Denise’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Denise in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

Our Memaw (Denise or Sister Denise) is a wonderful, crazy, hippie, God loving mother of four and grandma to one silly granddaughter. She loves animals and used to take in rescues before her sickness. Her favorite dogs are boxers and her newest one is named Sasha May who is 9 years old. She has worked hard her whole life to provide for her children, which she raised alone and now tries to provide as much as she can for her granddaughter. Memaw is willing to give all she has to help people and has done so much for her friends, family and even strangers. She doesn't even hesitate if she feels like she needs to help or the Lord puts it on her she'll give her last dollar away. This woman has been a stronghold for her family and now she needs all our help. 


On July 3rd 2019, was in a small fender bender in Kenutcky. The aniexty got the best of her and she went into the nearest hostipal to just get checked out. Luckily or unluckly during her ex-rays, they discovered Mutilpe Myeloma. From here we learned she was in Stage 2. We believe it was a God send for her to find it early so we can treat it. It's not a cureable cancer yet, but we can treat it.


Immediately after the diagnosis she began her appointments with Dr. Pierce at Baptist Health of Lexington. She started a regular treatment of Velcade, Revlimed and Dexamethasone. After she started dropping, it was then they wanted to do a Bone Marrow transplant. We then met Dr. Hegazi of Brown Cancer Center who started on ONC treatment and Infusions. He's been working to get where she needs to be. Almost a year later thanks to Dr. Pierce and Dr. Hegazi she hit remission in June of 2020.


Unfortunely we are now at a stand still. She has hit remission but with so many other health problems from the treatments themselves we haven't been able to do the transplant. She has had a stomach problem since May 2020 that they can't figure out. She has not been able to eat meals but when she can shehas to run to the restroom. She dropped weight drastically, her mind comes and goes and the anixety makes most days, a bad day for her. 


My daughter (14) and myself moved from Arizona to help take care of her and anything she needs. I've taken a part-time job as she has doctors appointments most days. My aunite welcomed us into her home since she lives close to Lousiville, KY. It's hard caring for someone in someone else's house. Their needs can be neglected or over looked with another family in the household. God has made sure we don't go without and keep us in a positive mindset. However bills pile up, gas money is always low, and staying with someone instead of having your own place is stressful. We need all the prayers we can get!


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