2020 was a rough year for most of us and my family has been no exception. We were separated for half of the year due to international travel bans but overall kept our spirits high, up until September when my mom started feeling under the weather. We didn't know what was wrong with her but a few months later, after hundreds of tests and doctors and needles, we were told that she had leukemia.
This was a huge shock for us, especially when you consider the fact that my mom doesn't smoke, drink, stay up late, eat junk food and is an athlete, (not professional, but very dedicated). We couldn't believe that cancer crept its way into our home but before we could process the bad news, we had to make quick decisions.
Things moved pretty quickly since we got the news: the doctors told my mom to go to Miami (back home there were no specialists and Miami was the best option medically and financially--thanks to our insurance) and undergo chemotherapy. Depending on how she responded to them, the hospital would work towards finding a donor so that she could have a bone marrow transplant.
Thankfully, she responded very well to the chemotherapies (lost all her hair but otherwise has a great attitude) and my aunt (her sister) is a perfect 10/10 match for her! All the bases are there so that she can receive her transplant and be cured and say goodbye to the cancer! Sadly, our insurance does not cover donor costs nor for after transplant care which is very, very, very significant.
We are asking for your help to reach a goal of $50k. It is not even close to what we have to pay, (we are currently selling things, applying for grants and taking out loans); but it would be a huge help for us. The financial burden has caused my dad a lot of worries and sleeples nights.
My mom is ready for her transplant, my aunt is ready to be her donor, the doctors and nurses are ready to help us. Please help us; help my mom receive her transplant so that we can wake up from this nightmare. At the end of the day, we have laughed and prayed and cried as a family and recognize that we have been luckier than most during this process.