My Name is Rosie I live in Texas and Back in 2015 i was diagonised with Breast Cancer Stage IV to my Shock because No one in My Family has ever Die or Had it. I don't wish this on anyone I kind of glad I got it because I could not see one of my family member going thur this
you know you go thur life working hard doing what you needed to do to live i had two jobs and now i can bearly do one. People try to be nice and say I'm here for you but you don't want to be a burden on them and they do try to help. God does send Angel to Comfort you. But the sad part is when you know you have to go to work so you can paid your Medical Bills and then your regular Bill start to pile up. And you don't know how or where to ask for help.
i'm asking for your Help and your Prayers.
God Bless you