My 16-year-old daughter Alexus should be enjoying her Junior year of high school and doing normal teenage things, but God had other plans for her. Lex was first admitted to MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital on July 13. From my experience in working in Hematology/Oncology, I noticed she was bruising all over her body and said something is going on. I let it slide for a few weeks because I bruise easy and she felt fine other than being tired. Then I noticed the whole back of her arm was completely bruised and when I asked her about it she had no clue it was even there. I checked her blood count and almost passed out with the results. Everything was out of range. Long story short this has been a complete nightmare watching her go through everything since that day. She has had 30 hospital visits, admitted for a week twice, over 25 platelet transfusions, 20 blood transfusions, two bone marrow biopsies. She was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia and will be treated with chemotherapy and undergo a bone marrow transplant on 10/25. Her 9-year-old brother Layton is the bone marrow match and will have 2-3 hour surgery to harvest his bone marrow to help save his sister's life. Lex will be in the hospital for 4-6 weeks and has to be nearby for at least 100 days. She will need a 24/7 caregiver in which Lamar and I will take care of her mainly with help from family. This journey is already tough enough and the next steps we face will be even tougher, but with God all things are possible.