Since my last post 4 days ago, I continued to get worse. They put me on a dilaudid pain pump and once we got the dosing adjusted where I needed it, it really started helping. I have not had anything to eat since those few sips of milkshake I had on Day +9 and last night was the first time I felt like I actually got a little sleep (not just slipping out of consciousness from dilaudid and exhaustion). I found some stuff on Amazon called UlcerEase that has really been helping with the mouth pain.
My white blood cells are starting to come back up, so I've felt a little better today. Still can't talk or eat or really drink anything but hopefully everything will get better quickly.
Also, the hair on my head is finally falling out so I had a nurse buzz it again yesterday so that it hopefully won't be too itchy as it falls out.
Last night's blood counts:
White blood cells: 0.3
Hemoglobin: 7.6 (got 2 units of blood)
Platelets: 28 (got a unit of platelets)
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