
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Jose Alberto Ayvar Messages of Support

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Mucha fe y ánimo, Dios contigo, nada te falta, mis oraciones para ti y tu familia ????

Martha Gonzalez

Feb 15, 2022 at 06:23 am

Mucha fe y ánimo, Dios contigo, nada te falta, mis oraciones para ti y tu familia ????

Martha Gonzalez

Feb 15, 2022 at 06:23 am

Jose, I don’t know you but I saw your link through a friend who shared it. I am going through pretty much the same thing you are scrambling for treatment while the disease ravages my body and the chemo isn’t enough. I hear you, I understand. People like you and me struggle to ask for help, especially while our lives are being turned upside down. But know that it takes a village when you are thrust into this position in life. And it’s okay for our family and friends to surround us in love and support right now—however that may come. (Even though I am acutely aware the financial assistance is humbling as hell) I stand with you and want you to know you aren’t alone in this experience. Reach out if you ever need

Drue Masingale

Feb 16, 2022 at 07:00 am