
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Update on Fitsum's medical status

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First, there are several things to be thankful for: his sister Tinsae is a perfect bone marrow match, his entire family was able to travel to India, he received the transplant in the end of the summer, a few people local to the Christian Medical Center in Vellore have been extremely generous to him and his family during their stay to India.

Unfortunately, several medical complications have occurred. These include fungal pneumonia, cytomegalovirus infection, BK viruria, Graft-Vs.-Host Disease, and most importantly, therequirement for daily platelet transfusions. Whether this is from his sister’s cells failing toimplant completely in his bone marrow or because the platelets he does produce are beingattacked by his own immune system is not clear.

Because of these issues, Fitsum’s itemized hospital bill has already exceeded the original estimate by $19,245, and a doctor involved in his care estimates that it will take another $12115 before he is done. Fitsum was discharged today and is continuing care on an outpatient basis. 

We have asked the hospital administration for a discount based on the poverty of the patient’s family and our limited resources; we’ll see what they are willing to do. But the bottom line is that if Fitsum is going to get the care he needs to get out of trouble, we will have to raise at least $25,000 more. 

It seems very wrong to me and Carolyn to have brought Fitsum this far and then to abandon him. Would you join us in doing what you can to help Fitsum win this life-and-death battle?

Donations made through the Bone Marrow and Cancer Foundation (specify "for Fitsum Alemayehu") are tax-deductible in the USA. All donations count toward treasure in heaven.

Let’s give this young man the chance to live that we would want for our own kids/sibs/cousins.

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