
Reaching out to a Community of Support

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Good News!

by Fitsum Alemayehu

After weeks of considerable worry about Fitsum's progress, we received this good news from his treating physician in India yesterday: "Apologies for the late response....As mentioned in our previous conversation, the patient's weight is paramount, and I am happy to inform you that Mr. Fitsum is gaining weight and has attained... [READ MORE]

From Fitsum's treating physician in Ethiopia

by Fitsum Alemayehu

Greetings, I have been following our patient Fitsum's condition by communicating with the treating physicians and family members. The extensive experience of the center and treating physicians helped him a lot to recover from his complicated course after the transplant. I have recently discussed his current condition with the CMC team... [READ MORE]

Update on Fitsum's medical status

by Fitsum Alemayehu

First, there are several things to be thankful for: his sister Tinsae is a perfect bone marrow match, his entire family was able to travel to India, he received the transplant in the end of the summer, a few people local to the Christian Medical Center in Vellore have been... [READ MORE]

Fitsum's transplant today

by Fitsum Alemayehu

Dear All,    Please note that Fitsum's bone marrow transplant is today, August 18, 2022. He will be receiving cells from his sister, who is a match.   If you are a praying person, please pray against infection and for a successful transplant.    Either way, thank you for your support of Fitsum!   Thank you!   Katy... [READ MORE]

Thank you note in Fitsum's words

by Fitsum Alemayehu

Dear All,
I would like to express my genuine appreciation for you contribution to my medical expense which is
transplant bone marrow. This medical expense is which is not affordable for me who live in the third
world country, not only that for the fulltime minister it is hard to... [READ MORE]

Fitsum's sister is a bone marrow match!

by Fitsum Alemayehu

Yesterday we received great news-the testing to see if Fitsum's sister is a match for his bone marrow type (HLA testing) came back affirmatively! His sister is a match!  This makes things much more straightforward. She will travel with him and their mom to India for the procedure at Vellore... [READ MORE]