
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Briana’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Briana in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

When Briana was a pre-teen she would often wake up at night with severe stomach pains. She missed school alot and never had a normal childhood.  After an extensive stay in the children's hospital and numberous blood transfusions, she was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia and told she would need a Bone Marrow transplant to live.

Being and African American, the liklihood of Briana finding a match was only 23%.  Now a mother of a son, Bri step out of faith with Be the Match and launched a "do it for Bri" campaign.  Although very unsure if this campaign would save her life, she had faith that it would save someone.  

She continue to live her life and raise her son as best as she could although she had repeated hospital stays more frequently now than every before.  The campaign became a necessity to substain life.  

Then she received the call back in May that a match had been found.  As I am updating this site we are 9 days post transplant.  She is fighting for her life and winning.  This once shy little girl who would never tell anyone what was wrong with her is a true warrior and purposed with a gift to spread the word about how you can be a Hero or Shero.

You can still tell others to join the campaign to help others find a match by texting "blackgirlsrock" to 61474.

You can also follow her journey more closely on facebook Do It for Bri/Be the Match



Send Briana a messsage of support