
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Bailey’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Bailey in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

In August 2022, Bailey went to her pediatrician because she had a complaint of not feeling well. Her doctor ordered a series of blood tests to investigate the problem. When the results came in, her doctor ordered me to rush Bailey to Huntsville Hospital - Women’s and Children’s, as quickly as possible. She was immediately diagnosed with inherited Bone Marrow Failure. 

Currently, Bailey is receiving several chemotherapy treatments at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, Palo Alto, California to prepare for a bone marrow transplant. 

Since Fanconi Anemia causes bone marrow failure. Bailey requires two bone marrow donors which consist of her father and me. Our goal is to kill the diseased cells in Bailey’s body and begin producing new, healthy blood cells. 

Bailey is one of a handful of children who have been diagnosed with the inherited Fanconi Anemia disorder in Huntsville, Alabama. This is a rare disease of the bone marrow that will require a bone marrow transplant. This is a very serious and life-threatening disease, and her case is extremely severe. Bailey must be watched closely and continue to have supportive care until the bone marrow transplant is able to be arranged/matched. The bone marrow transplant will be a lengthy process (6-9 months).

The transplant procedure is very intense and has required us to travel to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Stanford, Palo Alto, California, beginning inpatient care on January 7, 2023. Since her first admission, Bailey has required constant supervision as multiple life savings, yet painful, procedures are administered: chemotherapy, blood transfusions, platelet transfusion, and several antibiotics.

Bailey has been fighting her disease for six months now and still headstrong, dancing and TikTok(ing) her way through this process with a smile on her face. Bailey has made a great relationship of her own through the nurses and doctors. 

We appreciate your love, support, and prayers. Please support Bailey as she continues this difficult journey. Palo Alto, Stanford is significantly more expensive than St. Jude or other medical organizations. Any donations or resources to cover the medical expenses will be greatly appreciated.

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