
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Danny’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Danny in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

In March 2023 our lives changed when my husband, father of 6 was diagnosed with AML with Myeloid Sarcoma. We currently have 5 kids still at home and we are struggling to stay above water. One income is hard raising 5 kids with and add having to make trips 1 hour and a half away twice a week to make sure your husband whom is in hospital on first round of Chemo doesn't feel alone in his fight. I'm not one to ask for help but I have no choice. Fast forward 2 months and now we have completed 2 cycles of chemo starting 3rd Next week to prepare for BMT soon. He will then have to be in Kansas City for 100 days with an adult with him 24/7 which is an obstacle within itself right now. I'm in need of help with rent, utilities, and groceries, As well as getting these kids ready to go back to school come August. Anything anyone can do will be greatly appreciated. I'm also accepting prayers and well wishes we need lots of those as well. We are now gearing up for transplant and I'm having to take off about a month of work to take care of him in KC since we have to be 30 minutes from hospital. I will not be getting paid during those times. Please anything helps

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