
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Eduard ’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Eduard in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

Hello my name is Chastity, I am Eduard's partner. Unfortunately we have received unexpected news on January 2024 about Eduard's health. He was diagnosed with B-cell ALL leukemia. He been through intensive chemotherapy treatments, having to try other chemotherapy after chemotherapy to put Ed in remission. Until one day we have reached the goal of remission and now rushing to put Eduard for a Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) transplant. This is Eduard story he's a fighter and still fighting for his family.

Eduard's diagnosis has took us all by surprise. He started off with pain on his shoulder, pain on his lower abdomen for a couple of days and sleeping more often then usual. After trying to bare the pain he gradually got worse. He became weak, was easily brusing, bleeding through his gums,and his abdomen pain were worsening. We made the decision to head to the Emergency Room at Hackensack University Medical Center. We were at the hospital for 6 hours, siting and waiting for answers. During that time frame they did bloodwork and scans. Eduard and I sat in the Emergency Room thinking everything will be okay but little did we know we were about to get news NO ONE would ever want to hear... "Cancer". That same night Ed was told by a physician of have a blood cancer. He was admitted the same day he arrived to the hospital. 3 days later with further testing he was diagnosis of B-cell ALL acute Leukemia. Ed is an amazing, bright and loving father to his 8 year old son. Before this turn of events Ed was a hard working car mechanic for Porsche. He loved dirt bike riding and going to concerts. Eduard is such a happy and humble person. His friends and family love and support him just the reason of having such amazing personality and features anyone would want to have in their life. His filles people with such positivity, love and hope. We want to give what he gave us. We're trying our best to be there for him and his son, while they both see a big drastic change to their life. We appreciate and thank you for your support, and care of Ed and our family. Anything is greaty appreciated. Please keep Ed in your prayers and help spread the word. 

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