
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Sandra’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Sandra in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

When Sandy walked into the emergency room the morning of Palm Sunday with what she thought was just a respiratory infection gone haywire, she never imagined that she would be receiving such devastating news -- a cancer diagnosis: "You have Leukemia, now we just have find out what kind".

To say it was a shock is a severe understatement. 

Sandy was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in the Spring of 2024 and, after spending a week in the hospital to stabilize her condition, receiving a handful of blood transfusions and fighting several life-threatening neutropenic fevers, she began intense induction chemotherapy. Things moved very quickly. Soon after her first round of chemo, she was referred to a Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)  team and began preparing for the extensive journey toward remission & recovery: she went through a battery of tests and another intense round of consolidation chemotherapy while the team went on the search for a Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) donor. After some evaluation, Sandy was blessed to find a perfect full-match donor in her brother, Steve. 

The allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) took place in June of 2024 and now Sandy is on the long road to recovery. She will be closely monitored by her medical team who will be tracking her progress on a regular basis. She will have a family caretaker with her at all times for a minimum of 100 days during this critical recovery period, to assist, assess, and stay ahead of any potential adverse affects or medical emergencies. 

Anchored in her faith in the Lord, Sandy is walking through each day with joy in her heart, even through the difficult moments.

Sandy is so fortunate to have medical insurance that will cover the cost of the transplant as well as her stay in the hospital; however, she and her family are raising funds through the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation Carelines crowdfunding platform to help with the many expenses that come with this lifechanging diagnosis: co-pays & other medical expenses, prescription medications, temporary housing, transportation, and other important accomodations.

The Bone Marrow and Cancer Foundation has been so gracious to host this donation site, and all donations are tax deductible

If you would like to donate toward the added costs in her recovery, please click the Donate link above. Your support means the world!

Thank you so much for all of your support, financial and otherwise.  Sandy appreciates your well wishes, sweet messges of encouragement, faith & hope, and your continued prayers. God's blessings to you, always.

Follow Sandy's full journey in the Journal section of her Careline's page.

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