
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to David’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support David in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

David was diagnosed with a high risk version of Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in late June of this year, a rare blood cancer for someone his age.  He began weekly blood transfusions to manage the symptoms that come with severe anemia and began chemotherapy to lower the risk of it changing into Leukemia while Susan and David sought options for a transplant.  They have partnered with Vanderbilt Medical Center and David is undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) transplant.  They have temporarily relocated to Vanderbilt to manage the chemotheraphy, the transplant, and the potential rejection/side effects, and recovery.  Susan has taken a leave of absence in her part time Nurse Practitioner job to care for David.  They are fortunate to have good health insurance and God has blessed them with the financial resources so that this challenge does not put them in a catastrophic financial situation.  They know this challenge is one that will grow their faith and their reliance on the Lord, and seek to give Him the glory through every answered prayer in the process.

After meeting with Vanderbilt Hospital's financial counselor, they expect their out of pocket costs for the medical procedure plus the cost to reside in Nashville for several months to be around $25,000 or more. Upon hearing this, I asked Dave and Susan if I could please set up a fund for people to give if they desired to help and they were very uneasy.... Anyone who knows them understands that they are givers through and through and (like many of us) they have a difficult time asking for or accepting help. They are sensitive to the needs of others who are in similar situations, but who may need financial assistance even more than they do, and so the sharing of this personal financial need for them is very uncomfortable. 

Dave and Susan have been such an important part of my family's life and I desperately wanted to help them in a tangible way... and I know that many of their friends and family have wanted to help as well! PRAYER is the most important thing that they need right now so if that is what you are able to do then please know that is enough!! Ultimately God will provide for them in all things, but what a privilege for us to be able to minister to Dave and Susan... we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Galatians 6:2,10  Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ; So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

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