
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Sheveron’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Sheveron in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

Hello my name is Sheveron Campbell. I am a 56-year-old female. I was diagnosed on November 22, 2022 with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a blood cancer.

In March 2021 I had a wound on my shin from a spider bite that wouldn't heal. I had blood
drawn and numerous labs and swabs performed and my white blood count and platelets were
extremely low. I was taking two different antibiotics but that wasn't helping – my WBCs and
platelets were still low. My doctor referred me to a wound specialist and she performed
numerous tests and couldn't find out what was going on. So, my primary doctor referred me to
Antelope Valley Cancer Center in July 2022. I wasn't concerned when I started all the testing
because I said I don't have CANCER. I wasn't feeling sick at all. I had no symptoms aside from
this wound that was spreading and wasn't getting better. I had taken different types of antibiotics for 8 months. I knew it was something but I had no idea that I was going to be told that I had CANCER. I had weekly labs drawn and numerous radiology tests performed. This was new to me and very scary.

My oncologist looked at the labs that my primary medical doctor had performed and he said
"what kind of work do you do?" I said "I am an Emergency Room Nurse." He stated "it is too
dangerous for you to work. You have no protection and COVID is too high. You have no system
to help you fight. Today was your last day of work until we find out what is going on." This was
the day that my life changed.

I have two adult children and this has been very hard and scary for them as well. We were trying to deal with the loss of my Mother, who passed away in her sleep on June 11th, 2022 and then I was hit with the Evil word CANCER on November 22nd. This is truly a challenging time for us. For 21 years I have worked in the Emergency Room taking care of everyone else and now I have to be taken care of. I have had 3 rounds of chemotherapy and as of June 23, 2024; my daughter completed the harvesting process to be my donor. I have taken all the steps and have been cleared to have the Bone Marrow Transplant on October 6th, 2024.

During this difficult time in my life, I have lost 75% of my income. I have always been the head of
my home and the sole provider. The treatments and the process has really drained my
finances. I am a fighter and I will beat this. I am in need of financial assistance to maintain my
everyday expenses. I know that I need all my strength to fight and beat this. I will SURVIVE.

Any amount will help and thank you so much for your LOVE, PRAYERS, and SUPPORT.

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