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by Atticus Green

9/25/24 - Today Atticus's labs showed his ANC (absolute neutrophil count) was over 500!  That's up from his initial first sign of new cells yesterday of 150 by over 4x AND he reached his minimum for discharge in ONE DAY!!!!  This is all AMAZING progress.. Those stem cells went to... [READ MORE]

Days 10-12... The WORST DAYS EVER...

by Atticus Green

Day 10+ transplant  9/22/24 Atti’s cheeks and lips and lower jaw are so swollen from his severe mucositis. His throat is so swollen he can no longer swallow pills and barely any liquid at all.   When I arrived this afternoon, his feet appeared hot, red, streaky, and swollen. He was also flushed and... [READ MORE]


by Atticus Green

9/19/24 Today was the first really bad day so far.  Atticus would probably argue they’ve all been bad. This whole process has been really hard on his body and he has felt pretty awful through from day one of Total Body Radiation. But today was “nader”. That’s the term used when... [READ MORE]

Stem Cell Transplant was a Success... so far!

by Atticus Green

Atticus is now transplant day + 5! The current big goal is to get to day + 100! (He will need a caregiver with him 24/7 until then at least).   His white cell count (absolute neutrophil count specifically) is still dropping, courtesy of that total body radiation from last week.  It's near... [READ MORE]