My 7-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a plastic anemia back in May it's been a rough ride for her and for me as well she needs a bone marrow transplant right before she was to get her transplant she got really sick while waiting for her body to heal to get the transplant from being sick on November 23rd at 12:16 noon my daughter went in the cardiac arrest it took 15-20 minutes to get my daughter back gracefully with doctor's working and a praying mother she was able to get back right now she's currently on life support and it's been a struggle for me to still go to work tendto a sick child and still raise three more children although I'm tired and worn out I am getting not to give up my daughter is in the hospital that is 64 miles away from home traveling down there every day sitting there all day having to come back to the hometown to get the other three children from school make sure they're okay feed them and get back down to the u of m them so she don't feel like she be going through this alone right now I miss a lot of work with me having to be at bedside a lot this by far is the hardest situation in life I ever had to face so I'm asking for a helping hand to help me get me and my children through these hard times thanks in advance