
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Carin’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Carin in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

 COVID-19 upended my life, just as it did for countless others. As a paramedic for the esteemed New York Fire Department, I was living my dream. But beneath the surface, my world was crumbling.

 The pandemic took a devastating toll on my family. I lost my beloved grandmother to COVID in April 2020, and just four months later, my cousin succumbed to suicide. The grief was overwhelming.

 Then, I contracted COVID-19 that summer. The aftermath was brutal – I developed post-COVID syndrome, plagued by chronic sinus infections that lingered for months.

 Desperate for answers, I visited my doctor repeatedly, convinced that my lymphatic system was failing. But instead of concern, I faced dismissal and annoyance. The unspoken message was clear: my unvaccinated status made my health concerns inconsequential.

 This experience marked the beginning of my journey into the unknown, one that would ultimately reveal a life-altering diagnosis: cancer.

 Tragedy struck when I lost my beloved uncle, with whom I shared a deep bond. His passing still weighs heavily on my heart.

 Just weeks later, on November 1st, 2021, I faced another blow – termination from my dream career as a paramedic. The emotional toll was overwhelming.

 Before I could process this loss, fate dealt another cruel hand. A cherished friend passed away, leaving me reeling.

 With no health insurance to cushion the fall, my physical and emotional struggles intensified. The cumulative grief threatened to consume me.

 Following my termination from the New York Fire Department due to my refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, my health struggles intensified. 

 Post-COVID issues persisted, compounded by personal concerns that made me hesitant to vaccinate. The loss of my dream career and subsequent lack of healthcare left me vulnerable.

 In October 2022, a severe illness caused swelling in my neck. As the swelling subsided, a persistent bulge remained on the right side. I suspected a blocked lymph node, but without insurance, medical attention seemed unaffordable.

 It was then that I had two profound dreams. In the first, I matter-of-factly told my cousin, 'I have cancer.'

 In my second dream, I entered the bathroom to find my foster mother, afflicted with cancer. She implored me to treat her, but I hesitated, unsure of my abilities. Undeterred, she repeated her plea, specifying holistic treatment. I acquiesced, and remarkably, I cured her cancer in the dream.

(Note: In reality, my foster mother doesn't have cancer.) These dreams sparked an unshakable intuition – I knew I had cancer.

 This dream's impact was profound. When I finally secured Medicaid, I sought a cancer specialist, convinced I had cancer. Tests confirmed my intuition – Stage 3 Hodgkin lymphoma in my lymphatic system.

 Resolute, I knew chemotherapy wasn't the path for me.

 Desperate for alternatives, I scoured the internet for natural cancer treatments. Initially, I found only complementary holistic approaches paired with Western medicine. But I was determined to find something better.

 Reading stories and blogs of those who underwent conventional treatments left me disheartened. The harsh side effects – incessant crying, hair loss, pale complexions, and constant sickness – seemed unbearable.

 Then, I stumbled upon journals of individuals who opted for holistic care. Their experiences resonated deeply: vibrant lives, renewed energy, and hope. But finding a facility that exclusively offered natural, non-toxic treatments proved elusive.

 Just when I thought all hope was lost, I discovered Hope4Cancer, a pioneering clinic in Mexico. Their innovative approach to non-toxic cancer treatment ignited a spark within me – a chance to reclaim my life without sacrificing my well-being.

 Hope4Cancer's inspiring success stories, including those with my type of cancer, fueled my determination. I tirelessly fundraised, but fell short of the goal. Undeterred, I allocated the raised funds towards natural treatments.

 As I focused on my health, I sacrificed my income. Without financial stability, my life unraveled:

Evicted from my apartment, I now sleep in my car with my loyal cat. Car insurance lapsed, car payments are two months overdue, threatening repossession. My storage unit, holding cherished childhood memories, faces auction in two weeks. Cell phone service hangs by a thread, vulnerable to disconnection.

 Crushing financial strain weighs heavily on my emotions. I'm struggling to cope with the relentless uncertainty.

 Despite my physical well-being, I sometimes struggle to maintain spiritual faith and confidence in my choices. It's challenging when my disease is invisible, making it hard for others to understand and show support.

 However, I firmly believe in the natural treatment path. Currently, I'm at a crossroads, seeking guidance and strength. Prayer and meditation have been my solace.

 If you can offer resources or support for natural treatments, I'd be grateful. Unfortunately, many non-profits prioritize chemotherapy, leaving few options for those choosing alternative paths.

 Any donation or prayer would mean the world to me. Your kindness would help sustain my journey.

 Thank you for understanding and compassion.

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