
Reaching out to a Community of Support

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Let's stay in touch!

by Susan Benner

The glitches on Carelines are really bumming me out because I REALLY want to read your comments. So I’ve set up an email just for this. If you want to say hello, send words of encouragement, or just tell me what’s going on in your life, please email me at [READ MORE]

Notes from today's post-op doctor's visit...

by Susan Benner

Elizabeth brought me to my follow-up visit with Dr. Mehra today. Overall, Dr. Mehra was very positive. He said he was "thrilled" about the pathology report: tumor came out with wide clear margins and he confirmed that radiation is not necessary. He removed the splint and saw that there is a... [READ MORE]

Day by day….

by Susan Benner

I am ok but still in pain and says in some ways the pain has gotten worse. Especially the last 2 mornings. Both pretty much a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale. I ran out of Oxy yesterday and my friends convinced me to ask for more which... [READ MORE]

Today has been a rough day.…

by Susan Benner

I woke up in a lot of pain and feeling rather low. Kelly Lally came this morning to help.  I called my doctor to get a little more Oxy. The visiting nurse was helpful in explaining that the thing in my mouth shifts as my swelling changes and I can’t... [READ MORE]

Sunday update

by Susan Benner

Today was a better day after sleeping fairly hard last night. Amy took care of all my needs this morning and headed home to see her beautiful family and take care of her aging parents. She has been an amazing sister to me in this time. Continuing with pain management... [READ MORE]

Great news!

by Susan Benner

I am grateful to be home and appreciate Mike and Amy being with me to navigate the return. George has been WONDERFUL but no surprise there!  I had a rough night and woke a few times choking on blood. My eye spasm also has worsened and I'm seeing the neurologist about that... [READ MORE]

Headed home!

by Susan Benner

Great news!  Susan will be returning home TODAY!  Her wonderful nurse (Anna) is reviewing discharge details with Susan now (with Jen Meredith frantically scribbling down all notes at her side). Susan's sister-in-law, Amy LoBosco, is headed to Greenwich now and will be staying with Susan and George during recovery. Thanks... [READ MORE]

Recovery is a journey...

by Susan Benner

Hi dear friends and family. While I’m grateful that the reconstruction was moderate and not severe, recovery is a journey. Blood was flowing out my nose non-stop through both nostrils all afternoon and evening. When it became clear that it would not stop on its own and I began to... [READ MORE]

Surgery complete and into recovery!

by Susan Benner

I'm pleased to share that Susan is in the recovery room and the surgery went very well.  Here are details provided by Elizabeth Epley who is with her today at Yale.  Part 1 of surgery-excision: Dr. Roche was able to remove the entire tumor with “beautiful, clean margins”. She is confident... [READ MORE]

Cleared for surgery!

by Susan Benner

Hello everyone, First, thank you for all of the many messages of love and support that I've received both here and elsewhere. It has been an unbelievably stressful and overwhelming few months. With the encouragement of my dear friends who have put this page together, I've been pushed out of my... [READ MORE]