
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Oct 5th

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Day post transplant number +65 and preparations are being made for Kevin's homecoming. I get emotional just thinking about having him home finally. Here at home everyone is rallying together to help me clean the house so it is safe for his arrival and to ensure last minute arrangments are done. Watson is doing so much better in school and loves sharing about his friends and playing at recess with them. Lincoln just started daycare and is loving it. Having this extra time has really given me the freedom to declutter and make plans of my own to provide Kevin with the best care possible while still maintaining a household. Keeping house organized with three children 5 and under is no easy task and I am under no illusion that having Kevin home is going to make things back to "normal". For an unknown amount of time Kevin will require his own amount of care and assitance. I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious for all the responsiblities that I know I am faced with in the near future. However, I would take the hardest day over and over if it ment my kids would be with their dad. They have no real consept of time but I know they miss him greatly.

As for Kevin he is still fighting a new battle each day whether it is keeping food down, staying hydrated or getting enough rest. His newest symptom includes an itchy rash consuming the surface of his chest, back and neck. He has been giving several creams to use in hopes that it diminishes and they can rule out graft vs host again, in which that case he will require more steriods to assist his body with the transplant shifting. The positive is his lab numbers are coming back great, they are increaing and approaching normal or expected values. He is getting stronger everyday and is truly motivated to check off all his boxes each day. The goal of hugging the kids is a huge incentive. 

Please continue to pray and provide emtional support as we approach the next chapter in this riviting novel we get to call our life. We thank everyone for whatever part you have played and your generious blessings are not going unnoticed. We love you all, thank you. 

2 comments Comments
Soon, my friends, soon! Remain faithful and stay vigilant. No task is more than you can endure, we are rallying for you! We will have a great fundraiser this Saturday, I’m in absolute awe over the support thus far! We have amazing friends and we love you!
Bev Roberson
2024-10-09 04:32:39
I will continue to pray for you all, I pray for His angels to be with you - angels of comfort when you need, strength when you've run out, and courage to keep on battling, when the battle takes on new forms.
Nancy Riley
2024-10-09 19:18:38