It has been a while since the last post because the holidays are alway so busy for us. We are also learning to navigate these new challenges. So much has happened since Kevin has come home. We celebrated Watson's 6th birthday with friends and family on Christmas Eve. Having a December birthday can be difficult but we try and make it special for Watson. For New Years we were blessed to spend some time with family whom live a distance away and it had been many years since seeing the entire family. It was so wonderful watching my boys playing with cousins, enjoying games and treats. It made my heart ache for the childhood I remember, full of parties, family and love.
Lincoln also started a new preschool today. There was so much in the classroom to play with he was distracted by all the fun and I had a little trouble leaving. It made me sad to know he is getting so grown and independent but happy I am raising such an amazing young man. I cannot wait to hear all about his fun endeavors when I pick him up.
We also enjoyed the Chinese New Year with the dancing dragons at the State Theater. This is the second year we have attended and the boys love it. This is the year of the snake hence the huge (stuffed animal) snakes pictured. Doing things like this can be very hard with 3 kids and a sick husband but I am making memories for my family and that is what matters at the end of the day.
Kevin is doing great. We had a rough start getting into a routine and establishing needs but now with time he is thriving. The biggest challenge has been food and trying to find meals that not only taste good but settle well. The doctors were concerned when he began to lose weight here at home and recommended some different interventions to try. We had to remember this is marathon not a sprint, taking each day at a time. I am beyond thrilled to report that he has gained 6 pounds, which for Kevin that is monumental considering his weight loss was approximately 25% of his body weight. That's a lot to lose when recovering and trying to gain strength. He has handled each hurdle with diligence and dedication. Each day he soaks in baby snuggles with Ember and plays with the boys each night. We have created a routine where he puts Lincoln to bed which allows some one on one time with Lincoln as well. We are trying to establish an after school routine for Watson of reading books with dad as well. Our family is growing together and forward, looking ahead for new ways to spend this time together.
If this journey has encouraged me to do anything it is to fill your days with as much joy, laughter and love as much as possible. Take the time to have fun, make a mess and do it all together. My goal in life now is to worry less about the small things, focus on my family and what they mean to me, not what others might think. It has been so freeing to simply live our lives knowing we are on the path that God chose and that this adventure is ours.
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