
Reaching out to a Community of Support

All Journal Entries

Feb 2nd

by Kevin Casagrande

It has been a while since the last post because the holidays are alway so busy for us. We are also learning to navigate these new challenges. So much has happened since Kevin has come home. We celebrated Watson's 6th birthday with friends and family on Christmas Eve. Having a... [READ MORE]

Nov 21

by Kevin Casagrande

In honor of one of my favorite plays, second only to Phantom, "No good deed goes unpunished" (Wicked). Here we are just trying to move through our life with Kevin's recovery and new home routines, and BAM get back in your lane! All three kids have RSV, WHYYYYYY! Poor Watson... [READ MORE]

Nov 12

by Kevin Casagrande

With each night I laid my babies down to sleep marked just one less night without thier dad. The months time was simply turning into days time. I began preparing for the much awaited arrival by setting up cleaning parties, making lists of to do's, even went so far as... [READ MORE]

Oct 5th

by Kevin Casagrande

Day post transplant number +65 and preparations are being made for Kevin's homecoming. I get emotional just thinking about having him home finally. Here at home everyone is rallying together to help me clean the house so it is safe for his arrival and to ensure last minute arrangments are... [READ MORE]

Sept 21th

by Kevin Casagrande

We have finally hit a plateau and routine, both at home and with Kevin. Watson has begun to enjoy school and drop offs are much smoother. Lincoln has learned to accept that Watson is going to school and will return later in the day. Lincoln even has started his own... [READ MORE]

Sept 10th

by Kevin Casagrande

Kevin has been out of the hospital for over a week now and I'd like to say is doing well but we just continue to be hit with challenges. He is currently battling a dry cough that is presistant and causes him to have several coughing fits a day. CT... [READ MORE]

Aug 31

by Kevin Casagrande

 When a situation is said to be difficult I don't know if a person truly believes it until they are in the thick of it. We were told many details of what was to be expected and praised by friends for our courage going into this but I can honestly... [READ MORE]

Aug 19th

by Kevin Casagrande

Well after a rough week we finally have some amazing news, Kevin was informed by the Doc on Aug 14th that his own cell count is increasing in values. Drum roll please.....shout it to the heavens....that means the stem cell transpant worked! All of our prayers have been answered. So... [READ MORE]

Aug 13th

by Kevin Casagrande

So many steps have been taken since my last update. I delivered our beautiful Baby girl Ember Madison via emergency C section. We were blessed to have a small delay in Kevin's treatment which allowed him to be present for the birth, along with our amazing friend Bev. A joyous... [READ MORE]

Admission Begins

by Kevin Casagrande

Thank you everyone for the encouragement and kind words. I was admitted on the 25th and have had 3 days of dual chemo meds. Some mild nausea and weakness. Today was a little worse but the nurse's and providers have been great and helped me through it all. Let's goooo!!! #TeamBigHouse #TeamGo Big... [READ MORE]