
Reaching out to a Community of Support

All Journal Entries

by Kevin Casagrande

Well, its been an interesting couple of weeks. First, I started and completed my 3rd cycle of chemotherapy, which included 7 days of injections and 10 days of pills. A little bit of nausea but mostly weakness and fatigue lasting a little longer than the previous two cycles.
Secondly, our... [READ MORE]

June 15th

by Kevin Casagrande

A lot has happened since my last update. Kevin has completed several needed pre tests for his admission to Stanford. Starting with an Echocardiogram that showed a strong healthy heart, an ultrasound to determine the presence of any unresolved blood clots (results unknown at this time), another bone marrow biopsy... [READ MORE]

June 3rd

by Kevin Casagrande

How does one person even begin to express the overwhelming graditute towards so many people who have more than just supportive but have provided emotional, spiritual, positive guidance, and laughter during such a dark journey? It's not a written check, a card in the mail, or a lengthened hug when... [READ MORE]

May 30th

by Kevin Casagrande

I somewhat feel like we've been in a plateau for a bit. Thankfully Kevin is healing from his blood clots and has had no increased pain. However, another bucket list item checked off seems to be a slight sensitivity to the sun so he has developed a rash on both... [READ MORE]

May 20th

by Kevin Casagrande

Today started off with an early dentist apt to ensure no sores or infection are present. Everything looked great and that's one more procedure checked off of a long list of pre transplant tests needed. Then later in the day he had his labs, dressing change and day 7 chemo... [READ MORE]

May 19th

by Kevin Casagrande

Today baby girl was spoiled by so many wonderful friends and family. During this journey I am still amazed and overwhelmed by the love and support shown toward our family. I have to remind myself often that she will be here to join our family sooner than we think❤. Unfortunately... [READ MORE]

May 15th

by Kevin Casagrande

Well today is his birthday, what a way to spend the day receiving his third chemo dose. However, so far he seems to be responding well with no major side effects. The meds this time are injections in his abdomen for 7 doses and pills for 10 days. Then we... [READ MORE]

May 7th

by Kevin Casagrande

Had our appointment at Stanford this week and we are releaved to finally have an updated timeline. As of now Kevin will recieve some injections to boost his blood cells and platelets prior to beginning his next chemo round, which will hopefully start the 13th. We will also begin testing... [READ MORE]

May 2nd

by Kevin Casagrande

Results of Kevin's bone marrow biopsy yesterday showed a decrease in blast. The goal is to bring them down below 5% before the bone marrow transplant. After this last round of chemo they are down to 1%, which is a fantastic response. We have an appointment with Stanford on the... [READ MORE]

April 24th

by Kevin Casagrande

Today was Kevin's bone marrow biopsy and he did really well. Dealing with some pain now but hopefully we can control it with tylenol so he can get some rest. Pray for wound healing and no complications. His WBC is still low so we are being very cautious and limiting... [READ MORE]