
Reaching out to a Community of Support

All Journal Entries

April 21st

by Kevin Casagrande

This weekend was a good one, no weakness or nausea. Just took it easy most of Saturday and today he went outside to watch some amazing friends help trim some trees and other yard work. Our neighbor Travis also weeded the yard and everything is so much nicer for the... [READ MORE]

April 14th

by Kevin Casagrande

This week has been a rough one, with an admission to Enloe, labs draws 3 times and receiving 3 units of blood to keep his red blood cells at a decent level to prevent fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath. He has officially completed his first round of chemo, taking... [READ MORE]

April 9th

by Kevin Casagrande

Kevin is now home and feeling much better than Sunday. During his hospital stay he received two units of blood and IV fluids. His doctors have decided to up his weekly blood draws to 3 times a week to monitor his levels and ensure they don't drop again. Being home... [READ MORE]

April 8th

by Kevin Casagrande

Kevin is back in the hospital. Yesterday morning he was not feeling right with chills, weakness and fatigue. He has since received 2 units of blood and fluids which helped turn him around. Today he experienced some nausea and vomiting after breakfast but that has now resolved after some meds.... [READ MORE]

1st chemo

by Kevin Casagrande

I just returned from my first cycle of chemo infusion and 7 days in the hospital. I have another 7 days of home chemo pills and then we will re-test in about 21 days to see if my blasts have decreased enough for transplant. Thank you to everyone for your kind... [READ MORE]