Well after a rough week we finally have some amazing news, Kevin was informed by the Doc on Aug 14th that his own cell count is increasing in values. Drum roll please.....shout it to the heavens....that means the stem cell transpant worked! All of our prayers have been answered. So much hard work, stress, and anxiety have produced overwhelming joy at that success of his treatment. The reboot button has been pressed in his body and Aug 14th 2025 we will celebrate his 21st birthday (his donor was 20 years old so we joke that he is now a much younger man lol). I told him he better not start acting like a 20 yr girl, talking sass and drinking white claws haha. No matter what, I am so thankful he is closer to healing and coming home.
Another giant step taken, Sunday he was well enough to be discharged to his new apartment close to the hospital. He will need to stay there for what they expect to be 2 months, but he is already exceeding the physician's expectations of his progress. In order for him to heal and stay heathly he requires a full time care giver and two of the best guys we know have stepped up and unselfishly volunteered for the job. They will medicate, cook, clean, shop, drive and tuck him in (jk). Passionately, they have taken every step to ensure Kevin's comfort and needs are meet. Even though not being with him is the most challenging heartbreak, I have some relief knowing he is in the best hands possible. I continue to count the days as they pass by filling a jar with beads, I know as the jar fills it's closer to having him back in his own home with his family.
Thank you agian for all the prayers, thoughts and support. Even the smallest contribution has been amazing whether that was dinners, groceries, diapers or hugs I needed them all. Please continue following us on this path as we have not reached the end just yet. There will be hard days at home and with Kevin but we are steadfast knowing the love that surrounds us.
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