
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Kristin’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Kristin in her journey of recovery. Here you can:

Right around the beginning of November, Kristin had a bit of a cold. Nothing that some Campbell's Chicken Soup and Nyquil couldn't handle. After a few days passed, unable to kick the cold, Kristin went to her regular doctor to get checked out. He identified an iron defieciency along with the cold, gave her some antibiotics and steroids, and told her to come back in if she wasn't feeling better by the end of the week. On Friday November 8th, feeling only a little bit better, Kristin headed back into see her regular doctor. After some blood tests, she was advised to go immediatly to the ER for a blood transfusion with a preliminary diagnosis of AML (Aucte Myeloid Lukemia). She checked herself into the ER at Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home Arkansas, where she was evaluated and transferred via ambulance to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. Initially, Krisitn was given several units of blood as well as medication to control her white blood count prior to undergoing a Bone Marrow Biopsy which confirmed her AML diagnosis. On an encouraging note, there were indicators in the bone marrow test that support the idea that this was caught early. Kristin has now successfully completed the Induction Phase of her treatment. She responded very well to the treatment, and her bone marrow is now producing normal blood cells. However, to ensure that she remains cancer free, she will now begin the Consolidation Phase of her treatment. This will involve multiple courses of chemotherapy administered here at Barnes as an inpatient. Details can be found in a Journal post.

You can show your support for Kristin (and look good doing it) by clicking the link below and joining "Kristin's Crew" Remission is our Mission, and we will not be defeated!


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