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Marc was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in April of 2016.
Fangzhou faced the possibility of a radical amputationwhen her synovial sarcoma recurred.
Stephanie is the mother of three children and wife of a member of the US Navy.
The BMCF helped Ariel's family raise the funds they needed to cope with the challenges of out-of-town treatments and hospitalization.
After months struggling with severe skin rashes, Gabrielle was hospitalized & diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Jesus is a 27 year old young man originally from Venezuela.
Lifeline Fund Application
Thank your interest in the Lifeline program. All available grants for the calendar year have been finalized. We encourage you to explore our other support resources for patients and families: Carelines Funds > CancerBuddy > Clinical Care Counseling > Ask the Expert >
This application must be completed by a social worker, nurse coordinator, or other medical professional. Applications directly from patients cannot be accepted, and will be rejected without consideration.