Amanda P
When Amanda was 17 years old she started to experience symptom after symptom. Finally after multiple doctors and misdiagnoses she was diagnosed with stage 4 classical multicellularity hodgkin lymphoma. She completed 12 rounds of some of the harshest chemotherapy drugs before being declared cancer free. Amanda was in treatment for the entire summer and first half of senior year. Losing her long blonde hair and all of her strength was the hardest thing for her as a high school student. After she completed treatment she focused on healing physically. It wasn’t until months later that the impact of the disease started to affect her. Amanda was then diagnosed with anxiety, depression and PTSD. Now Amanda is happy and in her sophomore year at College. She is healthy and only dealing with a few long term side effects like joint pain, neuropathy, and migraines. She is grateful that the most difficult part of her cancer treatment and healing is behind her.
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