Linking people to support

In addition to providing financial assistance and education to Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)/bone marrow transplant patients, we believe that personal one-on-one conversation in non-medical terms, whether it’s between patients, families or caregivers, is a very important part of the treatment process.

Supportline is a free service designed to link patients who may be considering or actually undergoing bone marrrow/Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) transplantation and/or their family members and caregivers with post-transplant patients and their family members and caregivers. The goal is to provide direct telephone or on-line support and encouragement during the transplant experience from the unique perspective of someone who has experienced it.

If you are someone who would like to speak with another patient, family member or caregiver, we invite you to join Supportline as a Seekerthe Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation will connect you with a Supportline Mentor, who has been provided with a brief training with a BMCF social worker. When you sign up for Supportline, you can tell us whether you are interested in becoming a Mentor or a Seeker. We hope that those who have been helped through Supportline will consider joining as a Mentor after their transplant experience.

To sign up for Supportline, click on the link and just complete the form. Information from this form will assist us in arranging the best Mentor/Seeker match.

If you do not have access to an email address, please contact the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation by phone at 1-800-365-1336, and we will sign you up – whether you are looking for a Mentor or would like to become one.

Sign me up!

“Thank you for introducing me to Tammy! Our stories are so very similar. It feels so good to be able to share some insight from my transplant process. The SupportLine program is a wonderful idea!”

Barbara H, a Supportline mentor, her three children and husband, in her hometown of Honolulu, HI