
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Day Zero!!

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Dad left for surgery before 8 am this morning. The doctor just came in at 20 after noon to tell us he is in recovery and everything went well. The cells are now heading to the lab for processing, since they have different blood types, then back up to the sixth floor and in to little Trevor's body via IV infusion.

I got zero sleep last night, but have been able to sleep like a baby this morning, for some reason. Tre has been very quiet and binge watching "Sword Art Online", an anime show about players being stuck inside a video game. It's pretty good, I've been watching it between naps. He's recieving nutrition through his feeding tube and has no appetite. The only thing he's eaten today is a Hershey bar. Physical therapy is now coming by every day. The next few days, he will not be feeling very well and they want to work with him daily to make sure he is moving his body.

Before admission, we were told he would be loosing his hair, due to the chemo and radiation. I gave him a choice to keep it and let it fall out naturally, or to just shave it when we were admitted. He chose the former. However, it's not as easy as it sounds. It was extremely uncomfortable and itchy for the hair to fall out naturally. So dad; using scissors, a 4-blade razor, and a little love and tenderness made his head full of dread locks disappear in just under two hours. I saved one, of course, that's one thing moms and serial killers have in common, we both save hair and teeth. ???. The cells should be here and dad should be back to the room soon. I'll update on those processes later 

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