
Reaching out to a Community of Support

All Journal Entries

by Wendall Chin

As a new year approaches, It is an emotional time.  The holy spirit is moving within me, countering old temptations and old habits that creep up in my soul. It will be my first Christmas as a blood stem cell transplant survivor.  There is much to be grateful for, to rejoice... [READ MORE]

A new celebration

by Wendall Chin

As a new year approaches, It is an emotional time.  The holy spirit is moving within me, countering old temptations and old habits that creep up in my soul. It will be my first Christmas as a blood stem cell transplant survivor.  There is much to be grateful for, to rejoice... [READ MORE]


by Wendall Chin

As a parent, and a father to a 15 year old son and 13 year old daughter, when I get the moment to step back and reflect, it is an amazing feeling.  Let's unpack that some. First -- "when I get the moment..." -- as many parents experience, raising a child... [READ MORE]

When Faith and Cancer Meet

by Wendall Chin

I am taking and adapting today's title from a wonderful book my wife got me, entitled When God and Cancer Meet by Lynn Eib, a cancer survivor, journalist, and cancer patient advocate.  But I have to say this past week revealed some miraculous recovery amidst frank reminders that I am in... [READ MORE]

Jumping back into health

by Wendall Chin

This past week was amazing.  I picked up my courage and got bold.  One area of recovery is my physical health -- to rebuild my strength, endurance, and energy.  The last time I played basketball in a 'competitive' setting -- i.e. playing on one team against another team with a point... [READ MORE]

Monday is...

by Wendall Chin

Monday tends to feel like a long day -- the beginning of my week, and can be a most productive day when all is new and fresh.  Today, though, my outstanding gastrointestinal issues from the chemotherapy received at transplant and possibly from a compounding build-up from earlier induction immuno/chemotherapy, 'raised... [READ MORE]