Megan Tillery
Megan is a 29-year-old whose family has been plagued with a rare genetic blood disorder called Dyskeratosis Congenita. This disorder affects approximately 1 in 1 million people. Due to the rarity of this disorder, some of her family members have been misdiagnosed and mistreated in the past, including her father who passed away in 1998 from the wrong treatment. Megan’s brother has also undergone a bone marrow transplant and double-lung transplant from this disorder and continues to suffer from severe health conditions due to this disease.
For most of Megan’s life, she has been lucky enough to not suffer from any major symptoms. Recently, however, her blood counts began to drop rapidly. Megan was working in a restaurant full time and going to school full time to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse. Her desire to be a nurse came from watching family members suffer. She felt the need to help others because of these experiences. For now, Megan’s dreams of finishing school will have to be put on hold because she will be undergoing a bone marrow transplant to treat her bone marrow failure in November of 2014. Megan recently married and will be spending her first year of marriage fighting the effects of this disease. It is going to be a long process and road to recovery.
Megan will be in the hospital for about a month to undergo chemotherapy and some radiation, along with her transplant. Following her hospital stay, Megan will need to find lodging to stay close to the hospital because she lives too far. Needless to say, her family and friends are deeply saddened that once again they have to experience the devastating effects of this terrible disease. To help cover the cost of her transplant and the related expenses, Megan and her family have turned to the Bone Marrow BMCF to open a One-to-One-Fund.
Click here to contribute to Megan’s One-to-One Fund
Or you can send a check, payable to the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation.
Be sure to include Megan’s name on the front of the check.
Send check to:
the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation
515 Madison Avenue, Suite 1130
New York, New York 10022