Coins for Life

Coins for Life

Small change can make a big difference for cancer patients.
the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation’s financial assistance — and yours — helps children and adults fight for life. You can make a difference in the lives of cancer patients by giving and collecting spare change in these cardboard collection boxes.
Create a Coins for Life drive for life in your home, offices, schools, grocery stores, shops or any venue that you are willing to supervise. When the boxes are full, simply send the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation a check or money order — or use a credit card online — for the amount that you have collected.
the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation provides financial aid, education and emotional support to children and adults facing cancer and other life threatening diseases. We rely 100% on private donations to provide vital services for bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients and their families.

“You are a wonderful resource for families and patients.  Thank you for the financial support during a difficult time in our lives.”
Steven and Heather D.

“the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation is wonderful. They kept us afloat.”
Jasmine’s mother, Kim James

To get started, order boxes by calling 1-800-365-1336,  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Is your Coins for Life box full?

That’s great! Just add up the money and click here to send in the money you’ve collected. (If you’d prefer, you can send a check or money order to this address.) Thanks for participating! The money you’re raising will mean a lot in the lives of cancer patients and their families.

Tell us your Coins for Life story

Did you or your friends or organization have a Coins for Life project? How much did you raise? How did you do it? We want to hear all about it. We’ll publish some of the stories here – maybe giving others ideas about how easy it is to do their own Coins for Life drive! Use the form on our contact page, putting your story in the “comments” box.