Cristina Donoso
After Cristina took a bad fall in August 2014, doctors were concerned she may have a fractured leg or hip bone. However, x-rays revealed something much worse: a multiple myeloma diagnosis. The disease had spread along her vertebrae, hip, and right shoulder. Since then, she has been unable to return to work, depending solely on her spouse for financial support.
Cristina is described as a kind, giving, and hard-working woman. She enjoys the company of others and finds peace while tending her garden and laboring in the kitchen, cooking for family and friends. Even after recent diagnoses of heart arrhythmia and arthritis in her knees, Cristina’s outlook remains bright.
After months of receiving chemotherapy, Cristina will be getting an autologous stem transplant in January 2015. Due to her husband’s work schedule, he is unable to accompany Cristina on doctor’s appointments or assist in caring for her during the day.
Although it’s been a painful journey for Cristina so far, she continues to be in high spirits with the loving support of her family and friends. She’s incredibly grateful to have been blessed with amazing friends who have come forth to her aid in these difficult times. Her friends look forward to nursing her back to health and keep her around to share more joyous occasions and moments of friendship.
In order to help alleviate some of Cristina’s financial burdens related to co-pays and other medical expenses, Cristina has decided to team up with the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation so she can raise funds to make this journey a bit easier on her and her family. Any contributions are so greatly appreciated.
Click here to contribute to Cristina’s One-to-One Fund
Or you can send a check, payable to the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation.
Be sure to include Cristina’s name on the front of the check.
Send check to:
the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation
515 Madison Avenue, Suite 1130
New York, New York 10022